Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I love this family! They mean the world to me. So proud of all of them. 
Part of my new year resolution is to post here more often.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kurt and Mandee are in Island Park right now. Kurt is working for his grandpa with Wildlife Pest Control. He also helps out riding bulls in the rodeos at Meadow Vue Ranch where Mandee works. In August Kurt is headed to CSI in Twin where he will study auto mechanics and welding. Mandee will go back to Boise to continue her education in nursing
We have had a fun summer doing everything from  playing outside, to Relay for life and MotoRodeo, the rodeo at Medow Vue and the 4th of July, summer reading program and playing in the water with friends. We are sad it is almost over, but we have had a good summer and look forward to fun times as school starts.
 Relay for Life Booth

 Summer Reading Awards. Kiera and Keldon won in their age group for most books read.

 Meadow Vue Rodeo with Kurt and Mandee

Playing in the water with Friends at the School

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kaysha and Allen live in Terreton. Kaysha is home with Emy. She also coaches volleyball, and volunteers on the ambulance crew as a driver. She helps me with my sewing business too. Allen works with his dad in Osgood and does welding on the side. They are a busy and happy family

Monday, January 2, 2012

This is my wonderful family. I love them very much. We are standing in front of the LDS temple, a place I love because it gives me the opportunity to be with my family for eternity. I hope this blog will give those who read it a chance to get to know my family better. A small peek into my life. We are missing one in this picture. My son has found a beautiful girl and asked her to be his wife. We are all very excited to add Mandee Purefoy to our family!